Online community platform wields its power of sharing under pandemic

At the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many elderly people in Hong Kong were seen scrambling for protective face masks. To help such senior citizens and other people in need, Stephen Wong, founder of the resources sharing platform Me2You, worked together with logistics platform GOGOX, and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, to launch the HK2Gether campaign. Through this self-developed platform, Me2You, the health protective resources donated by the public can be collected and distributed to the charities in an efficient way.
The HK2Gether campaign’s first phase was launched without much delay. The feedback was very positive. In just two days, for example, HK2Gether received almost 10,000 surgical face masks, and over 2,000 hand sanitisers, plus disinfectant wipes from 50 collection points in various districts. The programme’s initial success proved that many citizens were kindly willing to share their resources and help each other to show solidarity.
In view of the success of the first phase, Me2You decided to launch the second phase by recruiting more volunteers, and extending its duration from two days to three weeks. Once again, the result was encouraging. More than 28,800 surgical face masks, and over 2,400 hand sanitisers and 320 boxes of disinfectant wipes were collected by the end of phase two. As a result, many more elderly folks, including those living alone, with low-income and chronic diseases, and even homeless people were able to benefit from the campaign.
Quick facts
- Works with GOGOX, and the HKCSS to collect and distribute health protective resources
- More than 38,800 surgical face masks, and over 4,400 hand sanitisers and 320 boxes of disinfectant wipes collected
Company Porfile
Me2You is an online community platform established with the aim of sharing needed, but un-used resources. Users can easily donate their extra unneeded health-protection items through the Me2You mobile app to those in need of them. To encourage the idea of sharing, members can also earn Sparks points when they donate an item. They can then use the accumulated Sparks points to obtain select items they themselves need from other members.