GBA Event Information

[Road to GBA Start-up Challenge] The 2nd workshop for Road to GBA Start-up Challenge – providing IP training for doing...

The 2nd workshop for Road to GBA Start-up Challenge to explore the IP issues for doing business in Mainland China September 14, 2021   Organised by Cyberport and PwC Hong Kong, the “Road to GBA Start-up Challenge” entitled 12 winning Cyberport community companies to participate in a nine-month Greater Bay Area (“GBA”) Go-to-Market Programme. The 2nd workshop of the programme was successfully held on 27 August (Friday).   The workshop was held at Hang Seng Central Head Office. The agenda included training hosted by Ms. Chiang Ling Li (Tiang & Partners) invited by PWC to provide IP training for doing business in Mainland and the mainland representative of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited provided an update on Mainland China & GBA Epidemic Prevention Policy through an online sharing session.   Cyberport and Hang Seng Bank announced the establishment of a strategic alliance that will help Hong Kong innovation companies to capitalize on...
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「走進灣區」首場工作坊完滿結束 [Road to GBA Start-up Challenge] Successful launch of the first workshop for Road...

「走進灣區」首場工作坊完滿結束 Successful launch of the first workshop for Road to GBA Start-up Challenge   早前12間數碼港社群企業勝出了由數碼港和羅兵咸永道聯合主辦的「走進灣區創業計劃大賽」,獲得為期九個月的「走進灣區」全方位支援及培訓,而第一場主題工作坊已於7月16日 (星期五) 順利舉行。 此次工作坊講解了大灣區的稅務優惠、財務津貼,以及大灣區的法律考慮因素,還有讓企業建立業務網絡的環節,令企業對進軍內地市場有更深入的理解,同時協助企業做好周全準備。 立即去片,看看工作坊期間講者分享和企業互相交流的精彩片段吧!   12 winning Cyberport community companies of the “Road to GBA Start-up Challenge” jointly organised by Cyberport and PwC Hong Kong were entitled to participate in a nine-month Greater Bay...
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聚眼深圳北站 共建港澳青年創新創業新典範

聚眼深圳北站 共建港澳青年創新創業新典範     深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心 (雙創中心) 是當地嶄新的區級市級辦公間區、粵港澳科技企業辦公間區及國際化科技企業辦公間區。中心位於龍華北站、被視作深圳城市中軸核心之地帶,並無縫連接粵港澳大灣區特大型綜合交通樞紐,往來香港西九龍之高鐵車程僅需十八分鐘。為加深港人、港企、港青對雙創中心之認識,以及促進對龍華區之政策的了解,數碼港特以協辦單位之身份,於過去週四 (6月17日)...
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[Road to GBA Start-up Challenge] Winners of Road to GBA Start-up Challenge to explore business opportunities in GBA

Winners of Road to GBA Start-up Challenge to explore business opportunities in GBA   The final of the “Road to GBA Start-up Challenge” jointly organised by Cyberport and PwC Hong Kong has successfully concluded on 8 June (Tuesday). The 12 winning Cyberport community companies will be entitled to participate in a nine-month GBA Go-to-Market Programme. The programme provides comprehensive support and training for the winners to gain market knowledge and access in mainland China, including themed workshops, company management consultation, product commercialisation, investment roadshows, business matching and assistance from innovation and technology parks in partnership with Cyberport located in cities across the Greater Bay Area (“GBA”). Following a series of pitching session, the judging panel of the Challenge selected 12 winning Cyberport community companies. Through the Cyberport Professional services Network (CPN) and the support from PwC Hong Kong, Cyberport is...
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About iStartup

iStartup@HK, a one-stop platform run by Cyberport, is designed to connect tech start-ups to investors and users seeking innovative solutions. Through this virtual-pitching channel, tech companies can showcase their profile and products to attract funding and expand their business footprint.

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